Don’t take the bait. Jesus is the reward. Even in the world’s attempt to make Him common, He has not lost His grandeur! He’s still King!!! 🙌🏾
May we never lose our fervor and passion towards Jesus. Our to-do-list, plans, goals, passions, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and dreams should remain submitted, yielded, and come 2nd to …Jesus!
May we remain sensitive to His splendor, power, and majesty! Our day should begin with the awe of His creation! A bird’s song in the morning is a reminder of His beauty. It’s not …just …a bird. It’s a reminder that we are alive!!! That’s not common. That’s God’s love.
The moment we begin posturing our beliefs as though Jesus’ finished work on the cross was a casual event, we also begin diminishing His Sovereignty. Sometimes, we need to revisit the time when we first believed …where our prayer life at the top of the day was crucial. When everything else took a backseat to reading God’s Word. The time where we saturated our homes and car with worship music. The times where God’s wisdom flowed from our lips. The times where we shared God’s truth and goodness to others unashamed.
Carnality sucks the life out of the fervent pursuit of Christ, because it waters down the requirements and tenets of our faith. It leans into our humanity and postures us as our own god. It teaches us to tap into the principles of God without truly loving and pursuing Him.
Jesus is not common and neither should our posture towards Him be. May we remain faithful to His commission! Everything else can wait.