To my generation and beyond …
Here’s my challenge: It’s time for us to step up! I know we have/had praying elders …parents, grands and great-grands. Thank God for them! But they’re passing the torch …to us! The question is …are we prepared to continue the journey?
I say this in love …we were never called to live recklessly, be lazy in faith, or rely, solely, on our elders’ relationship with Jesus. I believe one of the reasons why we’re seeing a breakdown in generations, is because we’ve abandoned what works! Not, what worked for them …but what works, still today!! Our elders didn’t cut corners: Church was not an option. Prayer was mandatory. Honoring God was paramount.
I pray we will return to our first love, and not forget the Lord and His benefits. Our elders are going home and we, who remain on earth, are the ones charged to follow their lead! They prayed for us, but they also implored us to have our own relationship with Jesus.
It’s time for us to step up. Let’s be bold and willing to take the mantle to continue the legacy of those who have gone before us! We have no excuse because they laid the foundation. Now, it’s our turn to practice what we’ve learned. We are called to anoint our children at night. Anoint our home. Impact our communities. Stay on our knees until we hear from God. Study scripture. Preach the Gospel. Resist the enemy. Love well. Speak the Word and declare a thing!