There is only one type of love that has the capacity to satisfy our need for love …and …extend beyond ourselves: God’s love. Any other love begins and ends with us.
Don’t take the bait. We are being programmed and encouraged to become more and more selfish and self-centered. A narcissistic society in the name of “doing me.”
Contrary to popular belief, when we are in Christ, it is not about us. Love …extends to others. The very essence of love goes beyond …the pursuit of… personal benefit because it lacks nothing: love is equipped to benefit all of us. God is love: “For God so loved the world …”. Love sacrifices. It considers others. It goes out of its way. It forgives. It covers.
The problem has never been overextending ourselves …rather, overextending ourselves to the wrong people. Now, with the pendulum shift, relationships are suffering because so many have gone into self-preservation/survival mode out fear of losing or missing …love. Yet because wisdom is the principle thing, it teaches us how to remain fulfilled in God’s love and maintain an endless supply to extend to others.