Maintain the highest level of God honoring integrity. I don’t care what it costs you!!
It’s not the easy, obvious choices that have the potential to trip us up …but the ones that tip toe the line of integrity and sanctification that will stop us in our tracks. To cause us to …consider …adjusting our standard. The choices that force us to wrestle with what’s right and what we want. It’ll be presented as everything we’ve always wanted: Affirmation, financial relief, popularity, people’s approval, position, or perception of success. And it will always appear when we are most vulnerable. Temptation.
So then, what will it cost us? What standards are we willing to relax? Whose ear are willing to sneak and speak into? What relationships are we willing to undermine or abandon? What vile invitations are we willing to accept? What measures are willing to go to maintain an image?
Please don’t fall for the bait. Maintain the highest level of God honoring integrity. I don’t care what it costs you!!
When we are tempted, may we be like Jesus, a man who would not allow His vulnerability or light affliction cause Him to lose the very thing He was already heir to. He knew who and what He had access to. He also knew no small bribe was worth losing is position.
Do what right …every time.
🔥Luke 4:1-13🔥