Israel begged for a King, despite already having God to lead them, judge them, protect them, and fight for them. But because they wanted to be like other nations, they overlooked what God had already provided, brought them out of, and sought after “more.” They were not content. Instead of being patient, trusting God, and remaining grateful, they demanded a king. God finally granted their wishes but warned them that he’d give them a king who was like the kings of other nations: selfish, oppressive, and ruthless. They didn’t heed to the warning. So …He gave them Saul …a handsome, humble man at first glance. But God knew Saul’s heart. He became an arrogant, self-centered ruler who ultimately disobeyed and rejected God. David, a man’s after God’s own heart, was in preparation but Israel wanted a king so badly …unfortunately it didn’t matter who they got, as long as they got a king. Selah.
What we want and what God has already established for us are often two different things.
In our current state/capacity, if God gave us everything we’ve been believing Him for:
Could we handle what we desire most?
Could we be trusted to still fervently seek Him?
I asked myself last night, if God made me a billionaire TODAY, would I continue to fervently pursue Him?
Getting what we want will either draw us closer to Jesus or cause us to pursue other kings/masters. NOT getting what we want will yield the same scenarios.
God knows us very well!! He knows what we’re ready for and what we need. And because He loves us, He often protects us from our own propensities. Promotion, without process, will ruin us. Abundant wealth, without death to self, will ruin us. A spouse, without proper refining, will destroy us. God knows this, so like a good Father, His heart is to protect us. But He also cannot operate against our will. We must be willing participants to follow Him or He will, like Israel, give us what we ask for.
As we are believing God for certain things, our heart posture must remain humble and grateful. Are we seeking Him …first? Or is social our main source of consumption? Do we want to be blessed in order to be blessing, or do we have our own agenda? Are we practicing discipline or are we inconsistent? Are we grateful or do we always complain? Have we made room for increase or is our work space, home, heart cluttered? All things that God is daily refining our perspective on …so that we can be prepared to receive what He has for us.
May we remain patient in His timing. It’s coming …but not before its appointed time. In the meantime …in everything ….remain grateful.