One day …each of will stand before God. He will not be interested in which political party we’re affiliated with, how many followers and friends we’ve amassed on social media, nor how much money and accolades we’ve accumulated. He won’t be untested in how many points we scored in a high school game. He will not care about how many influential people we rub shoulders with, how many tables we are invited to, nor how relevant and important we think we are.
He will ask us how we stewarded our children. Did we train them up the way they should go? He’ll remind us of the simple task to forgive our enemies or those who mistreated us. He will replay the times we were instructed to serve but instead sought to be served. He’ll hold us accountable to how we treated our friends and elders. He’ll also ask about the non-profit food pantry, discipleship book, and Bible Study He told us to start. And the finances He provided …how well did we steward those? And the job we prayed for, He’ll review our attitudes towards work and authority. And the leadership position He gave us …did we take advantage of people, mistreat them, and/or lead them astray? And more importantly …He’ll ask about Jesus …did we make Him Lord or did we ignore the people He sent to us to tell of His goodness?
This is not the time to be prideful, boastful, and self-centered. Building up for ourselves houses that moths corrupt. We are on a journey in preparation for …eternity. Please don’t believe the hype, lies, and be deceived by titles, forms of godliness, pretty/handsome faces, and “cool” personalities. Reject self-idolatry, selfish ambitions, and ideologies that rival the God of the Bible.