Our character matters. People observe …and talk …alllllll the time!! Work ethic, social media posts, how we handle a person or situation, how we speak of others, our motives, and moral posture will circle back to us. It matters how we move. People don’t mind discussing their experiences with us, and there’s no way we can keep up with nor control who’s connected to who.
I LOVE referring and connecting people!! But I also can’t count how many times I’ve been asked and had to give unfavorable feedback about someone concerning work, collaboration, etc. I don’t like to do it but I can’t vouch for shaky character that will end up reflecting me.
I keep this in mind when I interact with people. How will they speak of me? And to the least of them!! …treating EVERYONE and OPPORTUNITY with the utmost respect. Not just the people and assignments I view as favorable or a come up.